Victorie Souckova will be among the judges for the WAN Awards 2022
Hagibor offices under construction
Ian Bogle will be among the judges for the WAN Awards 2022
Ian Bogle speaking at IPSEF Global 2022
Construction work continues at Residence Pomezi
Ian Bogle speaking at the Slovak Green Building Council
FZÚ new offices to meet passive standards
Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics (FZÚ) have chosen Bogle Architects and Energy Benefit Center to extend their headquarters at Slovanka. The building will be designed following passive design standards.
Second success for Bogle Architects in Ostrava – ‘Palaces Sitte’.
The town of Ostrava’s website states :
Ostrava has evaluated the investor's submitted plans for "Palaces Sitte" according to the architectural design of the renowned studio Bogle Architects. The land is located in the urban conservation zone on the border of the city districts of Přívoz and Moravská Ostrava, near Svatopluk Čech Square.
Ian Bogle giving a talk at NYU London – ‘Green Design in Architecture’
Barbora Markechova invited to be a jury member for Alfa Kindergarten competition
Barbora Markechova was invited to participate as the chairman of the jury in the architectural competition for the innovative concept of the Alfa Kindergarten in Sered, Slovakia.
Win with Linkcity in Ostrava
In our collaborations with Linkcity we have been chosen by the City of Ostrava to redevelop the site at Stodolni.